Class 3

Welcome to Class 3!
Mrs Gibbs- Class teacher Tuesday-Friday
Miss Carlson- Class teacher every Monday 

Learning Support Staff- Mrs Preece (Monday-Thursday all day and Friday afternoons) Mrs Dickenson (Monday to Friday mornings)

Topic- This term our topic is Local Industry Please log into the class eschool page to find a knowledge organiser all about this topic. There are some very interesting facts!
Spellings- Mrs Carlson- Spellings run from Monday to Monday. This is also when we introduce the new spellings for next week. A copy of these can be found on the class eschool's page and on Spelling Shed. Remember to use Spelling Shed and Maths Shed for fun games. 
Times Tables- We have TTRocks to develop times table knowledge, which children are issued with their unique login details and we complete times tables booklets daily in class. Times tables are very important foundations for multiplication and they are used in everyday life. We are running Mastering Number NCETM fluency sessions daily with Y4 children to support with understanding of multiplication facts.
Reading- You child will have a scheme reading book to bring home each night. Please record when they have read in their reading record. When they read at home they can earn a sticker to go onto their reading grid. When 50 stickers are reached, children can choose a prize from the treat box. You child has a free reading book in their pack to develop a love of reading and also to enable them to read a range of text types. Please encourage your child to change their book independently by placing completed books and reading records into the 'Books to change' tray. 
PE- PE is on a Friday afternoon this half term with Prostars and PE with Mrs Gibbs on a Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure PE kits are in, hair is tied back and earrings are not worn on these days.