Curriculum at Steam Mills
Key Drivers
Aspiration, Communication and Knowledge of the World
Our drivers underpin what we work towards for our children. We want them to aspire to achieve their potential and understand the opportunities available to them. Communication starts from EYFS and creates the foundation for our children to become successful members of the community; we want to provide children with opportunities to do this effectively in a range of ways. Knowledge is power and we want our children to have a rich knowledge of the world around them so that they able to draw upon this within school and beyond.
Ofsted Feb 2022:
"The school's curriculum is broad and ambitious. It aims to prepare children for their futures. The key drivers of aspiration, communication, knowledge about the world help to focus the work of the school and to keep expectations high."
Our Curriculum Intent
UNICEF Rights of a Child Article 29
Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and environments.
At Steam Mills Primary we have developed a curriculum which is broad, balanced and academically rigorous. We want our children to leave our school able to make a positive contribution to their communities and to understand the world and their place within it. Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum designed to expose the children to the world outside of their immediate experiences. With knowledge and skills as its core and a focus on developing the vocabulary of every child and this links to our Key Drivers – Aspiration, Communication and Knowledge of the World.
We are refining our curriculum based on research about the memory and how it works so that not only do children learn 'the best that has been thought and said' but are taught in a way that ensures children remember their learning and take it with them as they move on. We make use of knowledge organisers (which are sent home regularly) to ensure children know exactly which information is expected to be learned during a particular theme. We place particular emphasis on children knowing by heart and building rich webs of knowledge as they progress through the curriculum and parents can support this by quizzing the children on the contents of the knowledge organisers sent home (Y1-6).
- Pre-School Year Overview.pdf
- Class 1 Year Overview.pdf
- Class 2 Year Overview - Year B.pdf
- Class 3 Year Overview - Year B.pdf
- Class 4 Year Overview - Year B.pdf
- Preschool_Wonders of the World.pdf
- Class 1 Once Upon a Time KO.pdf
- Class 1_What in the World.pdf
- Class 2_Home and Away KO.pdf
- Class 2_ Living Things and Their Habitats KO.pdf
- Class 3_Extreme Earth KO.pdf
- Class 3_Rocks KO.pdf
- Class 3_Light.pdf
- Class 4_Rivers KO.pdf
- Class 4_Light KO.pdf
- Class 4_Living Things.pdf
- Key Drivers Spring.pdf
- Science Year A & B
- Geography Year A & B
- History Year A & B
- PE Year A & B
- MFL Year A & B
- ICT_Computing Year A & B.pdf
- Computing_ICT EYFS
- PSHE long term planning SM Oct 2023-24 updated.pdf
- Reading Texts Overview Year A & B.pdf
- Steam Mills Maths LTP.pdf
- Music Year A & B.pdf
- Steam Mills_music_development_plan_summary.pdf
- 2025 Religious_Scheme_of_work_B.pdf
- 2025 Religious_Scheme_of_work_A.pdf
- Writing Long Term Plan.pdf
- Art & DT Overview - Year B.pdf
- Art & DT Overview - Year A.pdf